Improving operational efficiency
Improving the efficiency of technological processes at existing processing plants is one of the priority tasks of the oil and gas and chemical industries. This task becomes especially relevant during periods of economic crisis, when capital-intensive methods of increasing production capacity are severely limited. One of the most successful and cost-effective methods of increasing the efficiency of continuous technological processes has become the introduction of advanced control systems (ACS). ACS is a software and hardware complex that is an add-on to the basic control system (ACS) and is designed to increase the efficiency of TP by improving the quality of control and implementing continuous optimization of TP according to specified economic criteria.

  • The SUUTP is designed for
    • optimal control of the TP in automatic mode in accordance with planned targets for the quality and quantity of manufactured products;
    • timely automatic accounting of external disturbances, mutual influence of process parameters, forecast of the TP behavior during control;
    • automatic calculation in real time of quality indicators of the products obtained based on the values ​​of the current TP parameters.
  • The use of the SUUTP allows
    • increase the economic efficiency of the TP by automatically selecting optimal operating points and maintaining the optimal operating mode;
    • reduce the spread of values ​​of key quality indicators of the resulting products;
    • reduce the time of transient processes and loss of product quality when changing production tasks;
    • reduce the workload on the operational personnel of the TP by reducing the number of control loops and automatically bringing the TP to the optimal operating mode;
    • directly control the TP based on product quality indicators.
  • Effects of the implementation of the SUUTP
    • increasing the safety of operation of process installations and equipment;
    • increasing productivity by 1-5%;
    • reducing energy consumption by 3-10%;
    • reducing losses of valuable products by 1-5%;
    • reducing the time to reach the operating mode by 10%;
    • reducing the variability of product quality;
    • improving product quality.
A comprehensive solution for information security of critical information infrastructure facilities
In the APCS, the objects of protection are:
  • information (data) about the parameters (state) of the controlled (monitored) object or process (input/output information), control (command) information, control and measuring information, other critically important (technological) information;
  • software and hardware complex, including technical means (including automated workstations, industrial servers, telecommunications equipment), software, as well as information protection tools.

Information protection in an automated control system is achieved by adopting, within the framework of the automated control system's protection system, a set of organizational and technical information protection measures aimed at blocking (neutralizing) information security threats, the implementation of which may lead to a disruption of the normal operation of the automated control system and the controlled (monitored) object and (or) process, localizing and minimizing the consequences of the possible implementation of information security threats, restoring the normal operation of the automated control system in the event of the implementation of information security threats.
  • Organizational and technical measures taken to protect information:
    • must ensure the availability of information processed in the automated control system (prevention of unlawful blocking of information), its integrity (prevention of unlawful destruction, modification of information), and, if necessary, confidentiality (prevention of unlawful access, copying, provision or distribution of information);
    • must be consistent with measures for industrial, physical, fire, environmental, radiation safety, and other measures to ensure the safety of the automated control system and the controlled (monitored) facility and (or) process;
    • must not have a negative impact on the normal functioning of the automated control system.
Systems of commercial and operational accounting of oil and gas (SIKN, KUUN)
The SICN is designed to ensure automatic measurement of the amount of oil in units of mass and volume, manual and automatic sampling of oil, automatic measurement of density, viscosity, water content, sulfur content (if necessary), pressure, temperature; verification of flow converters using a verification unit or a standard flow meter. The SICN is designed on the basis of volumetric or mass flow converters.

Automation and commercial accounting in tank farms, fire alarm system
Our company presents a system of commercial accounting for tank farms, oil products. The system includes a wide range of components for commercial accounting and management of tank farms, provides centralization and increased efficiency of management and control of TP in tank farms, and also informs personnel in normal modes and emergency situations. The basis for the formation of automated fire protection systems for facilities is the system of collecting and processing information about the state of the facility - automatic fire alarm. Its main task is early detection of fire, when timely evacuation of people and fire suppression are possible without significant economic and environmental consequences.

Development of gas detection systems
The most common method of continuous detection of hazardous gas leaks is to install a certain number of sensors in places where leaks are most likely. The complexity of a gas leak detection system depends on the purpose for which the data will be used. We offer autonomous gas detection systems for continuous monitoring of toxic gases in the surrounding air.

Complete set-up, assembly and comprehensive debugging of operator panels and control cabinets.
Automation cabinets (AC) of high factory readiness for a specific purpose, consisting of modern components of microprocessor and other equipment, are intended for the construction of automated process control systems and automated control systems in various industries, heat and power engineering. We carry out both complex automation of the production process and solve specific problems in the field of automation. Our specialists are ready to implement almost any project and do it quickly and professionally.

Implementation of pipeline monitoring and leak detection systems
A pipeline is a convenient and reliable way to transport various liquids and substances, including such valuable oil and gas. To reduce losses during transportation and to improve the safety of pipeline operation, leak detection systems (LDS) are used.

The objectives of the SOU are:
  • Prompt detection of a leak or defect;
  • Notification of the dispatcher about the occurrence of a problem;
  • Receiving and presenting data on the coordinates and other parameters of the malfunction.

  • Advantages:
    • Detection of leaks in real time within one minute, as well as prompt notification;
    • Possibility of using several diagnostic methods at once to obtain a more accurate and clear picture of the problem that has arisen.
    • Individual and flexible system configuration for the specifics of a particular facility;
    • Possibility of installing new research methods to existing ones;
    • Monitoring the condition of the oil pipeline without destroying the integrity of both the pipeline itself and the surrounding communications;
    • Constant checking of the condition of hard-to-reach and difficult to diagnose areas;
    • Increasing the reliability of the entire pipeline system.